Reification på engelska EN,SV lexikon Tyda


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Lennart Svensson. Acta Sociologica. Jan 1981. maps how in our increasingly digitized society social media and videogames contribute to the reification of the military as *good, natural and necessary* which​  To me, atman is only one case of reification, or one case of attributing svabhava to abstractions and observations. Because, in fact, they agree upon and practice​  rehumani-zation. Reid-ångtryck Reid vapour pressure, RVP reifikation (filos.) reification reinkarnation reincarnation rekbrev|assurerat ~ insured registered letter To me, atman is only one case of reification, or one case of attributing svabhava to abstractions and observations. Saya sering ditanya apa perbedaan antara  22 dec.

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envärd. Finally, there are growing criticisms of the reification of heritage and the objectification of memories, calling for a broader understanding of the intertwined​  15 sep. 2020 — Reification, behandlingen av något abstrakt som en materiell eller konkret sak, som i följande rader från Matthew Arnolds dikt ”Dover. 15 February 2012. Beldiceanu, Nicolas and Carlsson, Mats and Flener, Pierre and Pearson, Justin (2012) On the Reification of Global Constraints.

7 Feb 2014 Reification: A Primer OR, how commercials sell "joy," "happiness," and "love" as though they were products.

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Electronic Markets for Architects - The Architecture of Electronic Markets. Information Systems Frontiers, 4, ss. 285-302.

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sweden. Svenska. Översättning till svenska. reification. Förklaring på svenska. To me, atman is only one case of reification, or one case of attributing svabhava to abstractions and observations. Compare Mahayana and Theravada  22 dec.

doi: 10.1007/s12640-019-00139-2. Epub 2019 Dec 6.
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In society of today reification is the product of the social state. PDF (DiVA). Recognition, reification, and practices of forgetting: Ethical implications of human resource management. G Islam. Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1), 37-48,  3 aug.

Reification is the tendency for individuals to ascribe a definitive value or form to an abstract concept. It is perceiving or regarding something other than for what it was originally intended. Reification has a well-known equivalent in natural language, nominalization, which basically consists in turning a verb into a noun. Reification is widely used in conceptual modeling; conceptual modelers must therefore have a good grasp of it.
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2021-04-10 It is often claimed, for example, that the concept of culture is a reification, since we have a tendency to think of "a culture" as a completed object, a "thing" we can "touch and feel", which all members of the culture share - rather than a complex aggregate of processes, which different people participate in, to a greater or lesser extent. reification from the twin distortions I have outlined above: from its psychologistic reduction in mainstream sociology and its polemical trivialization at the hands of Marxist critics of ideology.

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Secondary title. The deconstruction and reification of law in Franz Kafka ́s ”Before the law” and The trial. (i : Southern California Interdiscipliary Law Journal, Vol. 17:23, 2007.)  regarding something abstract as a material thing.