TEF Telefonica SA ADR Aktie - Investing.com


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Telefonica SA operates as a telecommunications company. The Company offers fixed and mobile telephone, broadband, and subscription television services, as well as provides cybersecurity, IOT, big Get the latest Telefonica SA (TEF) stock news and headlines to help you in your trading and investing decisions. 2020-08-13 53 rows 37 rows TELEFONICA, SA* 29. Principals. See who the company's key decision makers are. 3,197.

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NL Neolab SA fornisce consulenza telefonica e riceve le vostre ordinazioni · Visa alla. Foton. Kan vara en bild av 1 person. 2, 6018000, 6019999, TELEFONICA MOVILES EL SALVADOR, S.A. de C.V., G. 2, 6020000, 6020999, SKYLINK COMMUNICATIONS, S.A. de C.V., G. Iphone 8 plus smart telefon finns på en platt yta Telefonica S A logotyp på skärm, telekommunikationsleverantör, online 5. Foto handla om - 156339917. LafargeHolcim Ltd. Lanxess AG. Rentokil Initial PLC. Valeo SA. Alstom SA. Carrefour SA. Marks&Spencer PLC. Telefonica SA. Veolia Environment SA. Eni Spa. Telefonicas aktiekurs steg med nästan 10% till 4,00 euro för första gången sedan juli ifjol.

Telefónica SA, Spanish company that is one of the world’s leaders in the telecommunications industry. Headquarters are in Madrid.

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-67,71%. Total S.A.. FP FP Equity. 2014-10-14.

Telefonica - Fortrade

Telefónica is the main service provider in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking markets. Telefónica, S.A., together with its subsidiaries, provides telecommunications services in Europe and Latin America. The company’s mobile and related services and products comprise mobile voice, T elefonica SA (TEF) will begin trading ex-dividend on December 11, 2020. A cash dividend payment of $0.166 per share is scheduled to be paid on January 13, 2021. Shareholders who purchased TEF Telefonica SA ’s share price is determined by its bid-ask spread, which is the difference between the price that buyers are willing to pay and the price that sellers are willing to accept.

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Porque son las personas las que dan sentido a la tecnología y no al revés. Por eso, queremos ofrecer Gleichzeitig behalte ich Telefonica D im Auge, denn hier wird man (Telefonica SA) gegebenenfalls aufstocken. Die Deutschen haben übrigens auch noch Funkmasten, weil sie damals (< 1 Jahr) nicht alles an die Spanier verkauft hatten, wohl wissend dass wohl größere Erlöse möglich sind.

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Operante principalmente in Spagna e America Latina, è una delle più grandi società di telecomunicazioni fissa e mobile, quarta in termini di numero di clienti e quinta nel valore di mercato totale.Fondata nel 1924, Telefónica era il solo operatore telefonico in Spagna fino alla liberalizzazione del mercato avvenuta nel 1997 Telefónica Tech has collaborated with Barcelona-based Quside, an industry-leading manufacturer of high-performance quantum random number generators, and New York-based Qrypt, a producer of cryptographic quantum security solutions enabled by its Quantum Entropy-as-a-Service (EaaS) solution, to successfully complete the integration of a new quantum technology into its cloud service hosted in its Virtual Data Centers (VDC). Telefónica, S.A. (Spanish pronunciation: [teleˈfonika]) is a Spanish multinational telecommunications company headquartered in Madrid, Spain. It is one of the largest telephone operators and mobile network providers in the world. It provides fixed and mobile telephony, broadband and subscription television, operating in Europe and the Americas. Telefónica S.A.: T. Brasil , TIM and Claro declared winners of the competitive process for the purchase of Oi Group’s mobile assets. Download PDF. Telefónica, Telefônica Brasil and CDPQ create Fibrasil, a neutral fibre wholesale network provider i 02 Mar, 2021.

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TEF Dividend History & Description — Telefonica SA. Telefonica is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. is a telecommunications group which provides a range of services through telecommunications networks and is focused on providing telecommunications services in Europe and Latin America. Telefonica SA Entity with Fitch Analyst Adjusted Financials as featured on Fitch Ratings. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets. In a research note, Kepler Cheuvreux analyst Javier Borrachero has maintained his recommendation on the stock with a Neutral rating.

The target price has been lifted and is now set at EUR 4.50 | April 11, 2021 Telefonica SA. Add to myFT.