
Jämfört med den (517/16 med f6,3 optiken) så presterar denna bättre optiskt. Inte lika mycket vinjettering och skarpare  Visa. 734. KIKARSIKTE, CARL ZEISS CONQUST DL 2 13 dagar. 7 bud. 297 EUR. Visa.

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KIKARSIKTE, CARL ZEISS CONQUST DL 2 13 dagar. 7 bud. 297 EUR. Visa. KAMERA med VÄSKA, Zeiss Ikon Nettar, 1900-tal.

In terms of its technical functions, it’s pretty simple. Dr. Kartik D. Nettar is an ENT-otolaryngologist in Woodland Hills, California and is affiliated with one hospital. He has been in practice between 11-20 years.

Blandat fototekniskt: Zeiss Ikon Nettar 518/16 IIb

Jämfört med den (517/16 med f6,3 optiken) så presterar denna bättre optiskt. Inte lika mycket vinjettering och skarpare  Visa.

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A Zeiss Ikon Nettar (517/16) in beautiful condition with Novar Anastigmat 1: 6.3 f = 75 mm (coated) lens. With a well-functioning Vario shutter and an untested Automatic Popular C-500 flash (always used together) including the original brown leather case. Manufactured in Stuttgart/Germany in the period 1951/1953. The camera uses 120 roll film (6x6cm) The camera and bellows look beautiful and Check out our nettar selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops.

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A Nettar by Zeiss Ikon in good condition\n The Nettar is in fine condition and still works properly. ‎Paul J Crxitchley‎ till Zeiss Ikon Nettar · 23 februari ·. Could anyone help clarify the musket number for me? I also have a shutter issue. Sadly the shutter is  Optik: Nettar-Anastigmat 75 mm/f 6,3.

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Kamera Zeiss Ikon Nettar - Prylboden auktioner

Option:. Re: Posta en bild du tagit. 9'e kameramodellen på raken :D Nu blev det en från Indien i somras: Zeiss Ikon Nettar med Rollei RPX 400, Bild 332 rpx 11 by Johan,  Zeiss Nettar 515 (B), 4.5x6cm, med Novar-Anastigmat 6.3/7.5cm, Zeiss Ikonta 521/16 (B), med Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 3.5/7.5cm No.2386881 i Compur-Rapid  "Men det innebär egentligen en tillväxt på 10 procent om man nettar ut det här för det som hänt i framför allt USA." Bolaget upprepar också att  Halo Hares Holes Horses Houses Ice Ikon Nettar Insects Interior Iron Kitsch Ladders Lakes Landscape Light Lights Lines Machines Maritime  ZEISS Ikon Nettar 517/2 (6x9 mellanformat) ut filmrullen (Lomochrome Megapolis) ur min stora bälgkamera (Zeiss Ikon Nettar 517/2) eller var  Lussureggianie serpe alio , e germoglia La torta vité , ove più lorto aprico : Qui l'uva ha in fiori acerba , e qui d'or l'ave : E di piropo , e gia di nettar grave . Budmund Sirifware..wenne foto nettar .

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According to this is from 1958-59 and the lens is manufactured by Rodenstock. Compared to e.g.


The Nettar line was  This group is to gather together photographs taken on any of the Zeiss Ikon Nettar cameras. Please do not post photos from other cameras. Make sure that you  Zeiss Nettar. click for sample. Produced 1934-58 (1949) Zeiss Ikon AG, Stuttgart, Germany; Film type 120; Picture size 6cm x 9cm; Weight 20.8oz (589.7g); Lens  Trova zeiss ikon nettar 6x9 in vendita tra una vasta selezione di Fotocamere vintage su eBay. Subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza.

Posted on 09.05.2014 by Дмитрий Евтифеев. За снимки, большое  объектив Nettar-Anastigmat 1:4,5 F=11 cm, затвор Klio,. размер фотоаппарата 16,3х9,4х5,1-13 см. Работоспособность не проверялась, состояние и  9 Dec 2020 Connor rescues and reviews a Zeiss Ikon Nettar, a medium format folding camera that had been destined for the parts bin.