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She holds citizenship from Hong Kong and Canada. Carina Nebula : The Carina Nebula (also known as the Great Nebula in Carina, the Eta Carinae Nebula, NGC 3372, as well as the Grand Nebula) is a large bright nebula that has within its boundaries several related open clusters of stars. Carina definition, a keellike part or ridge, especially a ridge of bone on the ventral side of the sternum of birds. See more.

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Dicas e muitos mais para que possa aprender e motivar-te a treinar carina, the right upper lobe (including the lower part of the trachea, the carina, To evaluate the function of the reconstructed trachea and bronchus, we made  The carina is the bifurcation where the trachea splits off to form the right and left bronchi. It is located on the What is function of bronchi? What are your lungs? to the lungs.
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Widening and distortion of the carina is a serious sign because it usually indicates carcinoma of the lymph nodes around the region where the trachea divides.
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•. Runs directly Function of epithelium and seromucous glands is to warm and filter conducted air . ○. the esophagus may easily dilate, without compression, when large pieces of food are swallowed.

Carina Jahani – Scandinavian Society for Iranian Studies

The particles which are trapped by the mucus are transported via the larynx and the pharynx, swallowed and eliminated into the stomach. The mucous membrane of the carina is the most sensitive area of the trachea and larynx for triggering a cough reflex. Widening and distortion of the carina is a serious sign because it usually indicates carcinoma of the lymph nodes around the region where the trachea divides. Likewise, what is the function of Carina of trachea? A ridge at the base of the trachea (windpipe) that separates the openings of the right and left main bronchi (the large air passages that lead from the trachea to the lungs). Also called tracheal carina.

C-shaped cartilage rings reinforce and protect the tracheato prevent it from collapsing. The carina is a ridge-shaped structure at the level of T6 or T7. The carina possesses sensory nerve endings which cause coughing if food or water is inhaled accidently.