Databaser - Idrott och fysioterapi - LibGuides at Arcada


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Installing EndNote on Campus Methods: A search in 6 databases (PubMed, Embase, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, Web of Science, and CINAHL) was conducted on July 23, 2020. Medical subject headings and keywords related to PA and COVID-19 were combined to conduct the online search, which covered the period from January to July 2020. SPORTDiscusは、キーワード検索(Advanced Search とBasic Search)のほか、Thesaurus[シ ソーラス]検索、Citation Matcher、Indexes [インデックス検索]の3 つの中から検索方法を選択 することができます。 SPORTDiscus with Full Textでは、キーワード検索(Advanced Search とBasic Search)のほか、 Publications[出版物]検索、Thesaurus[シソーラス]検索、Cited References[引用文献]検索、 Images[画像]検索、Citation Matcher、 Indexes[インデックス検索]検索の6 つの中から検索方法を選 A video on how to search the database SportDiscus. What's new Vimeo Record: video messaging for teams Vimeo Create: quick and easy video-maker Academic Search Premier • Full Text. Academic Search: Main Edition • Full Text. Advanced Placement Source • Full Text. Africa-Wide Information Search library databases to discover articles, conference documents, working papers and other academic literature.

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Not sure where to find the databases? Need search strategy tips? Check out the video demonstration of SportDISCUS in  Older Sports Marketing books can be found in SportDISCUS. IEG Search the most comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals,  Snabbguide till Ebsco: SportDiscus, ERIC, Academic Search Elite. • SportDiscus är den stora internationella idrottsdatabasen.

An error occurred while För att kunna besvara frågeställningen gjordes en utförlig datainsamling i databaserna SPORTDiscus, Sience Direct och Academic Search Elite samt med  av P Assarsson · 2018 — Searches were carried out in the databases ASSIA, SPORTDiscus, SAGE Journals and Sociological abstracts. Found articles (15) were  Databaserna som användes för litteratursökning är Academic Search Elite, Cinahl och SPORTDiscus. Totalt 16 artiklar gick igenom kvalitetsgranskningen och  av A Velasco · 2014 — The literature search was conducted in the databases: PubMed, SportDiscus, Cochrane Library, and PEDro.

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Please note that if you do not have an EBSCO account set up (which can be done for free), your saved searches with be cleared when you close the tab. The main way to search for journal articles on your topic is to use a bibliographic database.

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Refine Search. Keyword.

Connect your terms with AND, OR, or NOT. If you want all of your terms present in your result list, make sure you use the Boolean "AND." The world’s most comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus.Of those, 393 are not found with full text in any version of Academic Search, Health Source or Biomedical Reference Collection. Search SPORTDiscus SPORTDiscus with Full-Text SPORTDiscus is a comprehensive database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise physiology, biomechanics, coaching, facilities and equipment, sports medicine, sports science, and allied subjects. SPORTDiscus with Full Text Full text tijdschriften op het gebied van sport en sportgeneeskunde. Met onderwerpen zoals: voeding, fysiotherapie, gezondheid op het werk, inspanningsfysiologie en kinesiologie.
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One of the interfaces for searching Medline is PubMed, provided by the NLM for free access via the Internet ( Also … Enter your search terms and click on "Search" to begin. Connect your terms with AND, OR, or NOT. If you want all of your terms present in your result list, make sure you use the Boolean "AND." The world’s most comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus.Of those, 393 are not found with full text in any version of Academic Search, Health Source or Biomedical Reference Collection. Search SPORTDiscus SPORTDiscus with Full-Text SPORTDiscus is a comprehensive database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise physiology, biomechanics, coaching, facilities and equipment, sports medicine, sports science, and allied subjects. SPORTDiscus with Full Text Full text tijdschriften op het gebied van sport en sportgeneeskunde.

This search is limited to the following  Home - Sports Business - Research Guides at Rider University Stage 1. Exercise referral terms · SPORTDiscus via Ebsco.
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Check out the video below for more information. Media  Mar 12, 2021 For example: if sports is a defining or major aspect of your teen trend you may want to search in the database SPORTDiscus. Google Scholar. Dec 11, 2020 SPORTDiscus with Full Text.

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Click here or on the Ebsco logo to access a list of searchable databases from Ebsco – SPORTDiscus is near the bottom. If you are accessing from home you will need to log in using your SGS student number (eg – sgs123456) and the same password you use to log in to the computers in college. This short Scopus video tutorial takes you through the steps involved in downloading and exporting your search results. Interface and data changes may have o The main way to search for journal articles on your topic is to use a bibliographic database. A database is simply just an organized collection of information or data. Swansea University pay for access to 100s of high quality databases to help you find the best and most up-to-date information for your research. SportDiscus provides full text to more than 550 journals.

It includes millions of records from leading sports medicine journals, books, dissertations and more.