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Ep. 241 Extra! Extra! Awesome news! – Sorta Awesome

guessing. guesstimate. guesswork. guest. guesthouse. guestimate.

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Asking is how you actually determine what the Asker wants and the giver is willing to receive. Guessing culture is a Guessers can help Askers be more conscientious and thoughtful about their communication. Askers can help Guessers be more direct, assertive, and transparent about their feelings and needs. Whichever way you are, even if you do a little of both, there is potential to strengthen connections and understanding of others. Neither's "wrong", but when an Asker meets a Guesser, unpleasantness results.

The Askers and the Guessers. Andre Donderi introduced terminology that shows we’re raised in one of two cultures:. In Ask culture, people grow up believing they can ask for anything — a favour, a pay rise — fully realising the answer may be no.

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The phenomenon had been noted  1 Dec 2010 Askers always ask; guessers decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether or not to ask. In principle, this means guessing ought to dominate as a  10 May 2010 This is actually pretty simple: Guessers are wrong, and Askers are right. Asking is how you actually determine what the Asker wants and the  Are you an Asker or a Guesser?

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A talk on the ask vs. guess culture communication style difference (see http://www.thewire.com/national/2010/05/askers-vs-guessers/19730/)Presented July 2014 This was a fascinating thread. Loved tangerine's ask vs guess (I'm Guess). Just thought I'd add, since I didn't see it mentioned, that the fact you used an EXCUSE last time may pose a problem if you give her a CATEGORICAL no this time. That is, she'll wonder why there was no categorical no the first time, and figure out you were lying.

We are askers, not guessers. Wed in Maine is a full-service creative event production company covering Maine and beyond. WIM is female founded and led . 4 Dec 2020 Ask or Guess Culture: Which Is Better? Askers just ask, and are willing to accept a no.
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If you’re a Guesser, you hear the This is actually pretty simple: Guessers are wrong, and Askers are right.

Askers expect you can and will say “no”, if it doesn’t work for you. But Guessers have a hard time believing that the Asker really feels this way. Guessers pick up extra shifts because they may not be able to say “no,” but rarely cash in a similar favor, preferring to not “rock the boat.” It is important to note that there is no right way to be: there are benefits and drawbacks to both.
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I first saw reference to it by Jon Chait, who  26 Apr 2020 While askers find themselves ready and able to oppose others, Guessers believe that a person should never be placed in a position where they  7 Aug 2010 Here are the basics about Askers and Guessers, originally appearing as a Guardian newspaper article: “This terminology comes from a brilliant  15 Jul 2019 As an Asker, Guessers feel super indirect and waffly. You know they want something, but they won't just front up and tell you. They take forever to  16 Jun 2018 Whether you're an asker or a guesser, things get complicated. Sometimes asking is way too much trouble.

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Ep. 251 Askers vs Guessers (and other things we wish we had known!) 10 jul 2020 · Sorta Awesome. 01:02:13 2012-04-24 · Askers vs Guessers in Finance: Askers are Annoying, Rich Any follower of @Real_Interloper is aware of my fixation on the issue of Extroverted versus Introverted personality types and the possibility that Introverts will be devalued in a service-based, technology-heavy economy. 181 – Askers and Guessers. April 5, 2021 by Erick. Be awesome and support this podcast on Patreon!

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Then a new Question Asker and Guesser is appointed until everyone has had a go as Guesser. The winner is the Guesser who guesses the most right answers.

Guessers will only ask a favor if they  Anyone who is not the asker or the answerer is a guesser. Guessers try to guess what the answerer will choose. A guesser indicates his or her guess by playing  11 May 2010 Are you an Asker or a Guesser? Even then, the offer may be genuine or pro forma; it takes yet more skill and delicacy to discern whether you  24 Feb 2020 You fail to say no and let others dictate your schedule. A guesser receives a request from an asker and thinks: How can they expect me to  6 Jun 2017 We have to shift the way we think about email and let go of the idea of “inbox zero . There's also a cultural concept of askers versus guessers.