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The company said Tornqvist, Gunvor's chairman, had raised his stake to 86.9% as of Dec 31, 2020, from 80.01% as of Dec 31, 2019. År 1997 bildades oljehandelsbolaget Gunvor. Idag är det formellt hemmahörande i Schweiz. Grundare av bolaget var den svenske affärsmannen Torbjörn Törnqvist (född 1953) och den finske affärsmannen av ryskt ursprung, Gennadij Timtjenko. Torbjörn Törnqvist has spent more than 30 years in the oil and gas industry and co-founded Gunvor Group in 2000, building it into one of the world’s largest trading houses by turnover. A Swedish citizen, he is also a keen sailor and owner of Artemis Racing, which represented Sweden in the 34th and 35th editions of the America’s Cup. Gunvor is one of the biggest independent energy traders, giving Tornqvist and his army of crude and petroleum-product negotiants keen insight into global supply and demand.
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Save. May 31, 2016 Its chief executive Torbjörn Törnqvist used the special $1bn dividend — possibly the largest in the history of oil trading — to settle a debt owed May 31, 2016 Torbjörn Törnqvist used payout to fund deal that helped oil firm distance itself from US sanctions against Russia. A consummate entrepreneur, Törnqvist has drawn on his extensive knowledge of the international oil markets to establish Gunvor Group as one of the world's Three years later he founded Gunvor with Russian billionaire, Gennady Timchenko. In 2014, one day before the US Treasury imposed sanctions against Apr 2, 2021 Global energy trader Gunvor Group is keen to expand its oil dealings in Russia, Chief Executive Torbjorn Tornqvist told Reuters, and sees oil Mr Timchenko, Russia's sixth richest man according to Forbes, sold his stake to business partner Torbjorn Tornqvist "to ensure with certainty the continued and Oct 6, 2020 sell his entire stake in Gunvor to company co-founder Torbjorn Tornqvist a day Gunvor was not sanctioned and has long said Putin had no Jun 15, 2020 Gunvor chief executive Torbjorn Tornqvist has tried to distance global traders from the scandals that have rocked Singapore players — and Apr 7, 2021 “We need to take our experience in Congo very seriously and learn our lessons from that,” Torbjorn Tornqvist, Gunvor's co-founder, chairman Feb 5, 2021 the United States, Torbjörn Törnqvist, chief executive at one of the world's largest independent oil traders, Gunvor, told Bloomberg on Friday. Torbjorn Tornqvist was born on 1953 in Geneva, Switzerland, Sweden. Torbjorn Tornqvist is the Swedish co-founder of Gunvor Group, one of the largest Mar 20, 2014 trading firm Gunvor Group said that Gennady Timchenko sold his shares on March 19 to his business partner in the firm, Torbjorn Törnqvist, Apr 8, 2021 “We need to take our experience in Congo very seriously and learn our lessons from that,” Torbjorn Tornqvist, Gunvor's co-founder, chairman Oct 17, 2019 Swiss authorities have ordered commodities trader Gunvor to pay nearly CEO Torbjorn Tornqvist said Gunvor had been growing "very fast" at Gunvor was founded in May 2000 to export crude oil and oil products from the Gulf of Finland at a time when Torbjorn Tornqvist Swedish oil trading billionaire .
Den svenske finansmannen Torbjörn Törnqvists oljekoncern Gunvor Group döms av schweiziska myndigheter att böta motsvarande runt 1 Efter att Torbjörn Törnqvist köpte ut sin partner Gennadij Timtjenko på grund av USA-sanktionerna har Gunvor sålt alla sina ryska innehav.
Torbjörn Törnqvist - HS Manager - Ahlstrom-Munksjö LinkedIn
År 1997 bildades oljehandelsbolaget Gunvor. Idag är det formellt hemmahörande i Schweiz.
Management - Analys Sverige
In 2014, one day before the US Treasury imposed sanctions against Apr 2, 2021 Global energy trader Gunvor Group is keen to expand its oil dealings in Russia, Chief Executive Torbjorn Tornqvist told Reuters, and sees oil Mr Timchenko, Russia's sixth richest man according to Forbes, sold his stake to business partner Torbjorn Tornqvist "to ensure with certainty the continued and Oct 6, 2020 sell his entire stake in Gunvor to company co-founder Torbjorn Tornqvist a day Gunvor was not sanctioned and has long said Putin had no Jun 15, 2020 Gunvor chief executive Torbjorn Tornqvist has tried to distance global traders from the scandals that have rocked Singapore players — and Apr 7, 2021 “We need to take our experience in Congo very seriously and learn our lessons from that,” Torbjorn Tornqvist, Gunvor's co-founder, chairman Feb 5, 2021 the United States, Torbjörn Törnqvist, chief executive at one of the world's largest independent oil traders, Gunvor, told Bloomberg on Friday. Torbjorn Tornqvist was born on 1953 in Geneva, Switzerland, Sweden. Torbjorn Tornqvist is the Swedish co-founder of Gunvor Group, one of the largest Mar 20, 2014 trading firm Gunvor Group said that Gennady Timchenko sold his shares on March 19 to his business partner in the firm, Torbjorn Törnqvist, Apr 8, 2021 “We need to take our experience in Congo very seriously and learn our lessons from that,” Torbjorn Tornqvist, Gunvor's co-founder, chairman Oct 17, 2019 Swiss authorities have ordered commodities trader Gunvor to pay nearly CEO Torbjorn Tornqvist said Gunvor had been growing "very fast" at Gunvor was founded in May 2000 to export crude oil and oil products from the Gulf of Finland at a time when Torbjorn Tornqvist Swedish oil trading billionaire . This page is about Torbjorn Tornqvist,contains Coutts is back with Torbjorn Tornqvist for the TP52 World ,Oil Trader Gunvor Looking to Divest From Russia Biography Timeline · 1953. Törnqvist was born in 1953, in Stockholm, Sweden.
Tidning: Hallands Nyheter Dödsdatum: 2021-04-18. Förmedlad av: Törnkvist Begravningsbyrå Karlskrona. oljehandelsbolaget Gunvor(som han ägertillsammans med svensken Torbjörn Törnqvist) med en uppskattad försäljning på över 60 miljarderdollar per år. Co-founder and Chairman, Mr. Törnqvist has spent more than 40 years in the oil and gas industry, and co-founded Gunvor Group in 2000.
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Företaget Gunvor ägt av Torbjörn Törnqvist, svensk Honorärkonsul, kopplas till vitrysk smuggling av STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Oljehandelsbolaget Gunvors svenske vd, Torbjörn Törnqvist, lämnar sin post som Sveriges honorärkonsul i Genève där Den schweiziska oljehandelskoncernen Gunvor, med svensken Torbjörn Törnqvist som storägare och vd, har enligt källor återupptagit handeln Den schweiziska oljehandelskoncernen Gunvor, med svensken Torbjörn Törnqvist som storägare och vd, har enligt källor återupptagit handeln Innehavare, Frefika Foundation, Torbjörn Törnqvist i sådan omfattning att Meerwind efter transaktionen är ett dotterföretag till Gunvor Group. Oljehandelsjätten Gunvor, med svensken Torbjörn Törnqvist som koncernchef och storägare, har åkt på en jättesmäll för en korruptionshärva i Den schweiziska oljehandelskoncernen Gunvor, med svensken Torbjörn Törnqvist som storägare och vd, har enligt källor återupptagit handeln till Utrikesminister Margot Wallström (S).
Törnqvist was born in 1953, in Stockholm, Sweden. · 1997.
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Gunvor uppges få stort ryskt oljekontrakt - Folkbladet
Co-founder and Chairman, Mr. Törnqvist has spent more than 40 years in the oil and gas industry, and co-founded Gunvor Group in 2000. He began his career at British Petroleum, where he worked from 1977 to 1983, and then became Head of Oil Trading at Scandinavian Trading Co AB until 1989. Törnqvist co-founded Gunvor in 1997, and he is its CEO. [2] In 2016, he reduced his stake in Gunvor from 78% to 70%, and received a special dividend of about $1 billion, part of which went to repay his co-founder Gennady Timchenko , who sold his 44% to Törnqvist in March 2014, a day before Timchenko was sanctioned by the US for his "close ties to Vladimir Putin". Torbjörn Törnqvist, född 1953 i Solna, är en svensk affärsman, grundare av och ägare till oljehandelsföretaget Gunvor.
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Torbjörn Törnqvist och Gunvor Group Svensson
Gunvor maintains a flat structure and short chain of command to facilitate efficient decision-making while ensuring the highest level of corporate governance and best practices. This ensures the company remains agile, and can act decisively and efficiently in its day-to-day operations and to secure opportunities in the interest of partners and clients. The boss of Gunvor, one of the world’s biggest oil traders, has awarded himself a bumper $1bn dividend to sever his ties to a former Russian business partner who is the subject of US sanctions. Oljemiljardären Torbjörn Törnqvist, 60, lever livet i hundra knyck. Han har precis deltagit i världens tuffaste segeltävling, gift sig med en 30 år yngre kvinna och har en kompanjon som just Oljehandelsbolaget Gunvor, med den svenske miljardären Torbjörn Törnqvist som ägare, har gjort upp om en ny bankkredit på nästan 12 miljarder kronor. Fortsatt expansion står för dörren Den svenske finansmannen Torbjörn Törnqvists oljekoncern Gunvor Group döms av schweiziska myndigheter att böta motsvarande runt 1 miljard kronor för mutor till statliga tjänstemän i Kongo och Elfenbenskusten.
Gunvor företag – Wikipedia
(Montel) Commodity trader Gunvor will not resume coal trading, preferring to focus on gas, its CEO Torbjorn Tornqvist told the Financial Times on Monday.
Torbjorn Tornqvist is the Swedish co-founder of Gunvor Group, one of the largest commodities conglomerates in the world.