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Access knowledge, insights and opportunities. AboutMona Lara graduated Magna Cum Laude from Abilene Christian University with a Bachelor of Applied Studies in Sociology and Communications. She then went on attend Princeton Theological Seminary where she earned a Master of Divinity degree specializing in preaching and pastoral care and counseling. Mona is part an International team of trainers While LARA has taken steps to update this information daily, we make no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or current status of the information. LARA assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for the use of information obtained from this site. Since I moved to Boston I shared and offered my recipes with friends, who enjoyed them so much that literally pushed me into starting this project called Lara's Cuisine. Lara Ferri Duxbury, MA Phone 781-789-5146 *If your name has changed, or you find that you cannot change your address online, please contact the appropriate LARA office for the correct paperwork before you can renew.