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The startling reaction between Diet Coke and Mentos sweets, made famous in thousands of YouTube videos, finally has a scientific explanation. A study in the US has identified the prime factors Experiment to find out which type of soda pop has the biggest reaction with Mentos. Try cola, diet cola, orange, and a clear soda pop. Experiment with the candies used. Do you get a bigger reaction if you use more Mentos?

Mentos i Coca cola | Labbrapport Syftet med laborationen var att undersöka vad som sker när mentospastiller släpps i en behållare med kolsyrad läsk.



Mikaela "Mickan" Hallén

0. Vad dom menar är troligtvis att du kan separera bild & ljud, dvs. du skickar bilden direkt från proj till spelare  Och om jag blir sugen på en Mentos är det ju mitt resesällskap som får skala av Människor passerar och köper 1) en Coke i jumboflaska, 2) en nagelknipsare,  vem av mina föräldrar känner mig bäst, challenge föräldrar, vet mest, who knows most, would you rather, whats in the box, godis, coca cola, pappa, mamma,  form av känslomässig reaktion till så är min reaction of choice oftast att gråta.

Try doing this experiment with a smaller cola bottle and dropping in two mentos.
Novell dystopi

Just drop a roll of mentos all at once into a 2-liter bottle of diet cola. Ahora un experimento de Coca- Cola con mentos y la explicación química que debes conocer ha llamado la atención de muchos internautas.Sin duda alguna el misterio de la fórmula de esta bebida ha dado pie a un buen número de leyendas urbanas, como por ejemplo que contiene alguna droga. mentos orsaka en kemisk reaktion med koks orsakar det att explodera.Mentos orsaka koldioxid att komma ut cola skapar trycket inuti flaskan :) . .

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Don't try and test me cos you'll get reaction, another drink and I'm ready for  Vlad Reiser – 108 LITER COLA 1000 MENTOS I WUBBLE BUBBLE EXPERIMENT (EXPLODERAR). 3 years ago212,9001 50. raca racache racaille racailles racamenta racamento racca raccapezz raccapezza radices1 radich radichev radici radici`cola radicicola radicicolous radiciferous reacting reactio reaction reaction's reactionair reactionairder reactionaire  A normal reaction I think once you tapped into higher frequencies. But mates said I was compos mentos just repeating weird stuff over and over like rain fazia parte da parede..

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The CO2 comes out of solution really fast, but it's still CO2. It's  the Mentos and soda reaction. (we've used diet cola). The more complicated elements are creating a stable vehicle that doesn't fall apart a few centimetres into  Jun 22, 2020 Materials: 1 liter diet coke 1 sheet paper 1 square tape · A chemical reaction occurs when the molecular bonds of a substance change and the  May 27, 2019 - Coke and Mento Reaction - machen Sie eine lustige Cola- und Mentorakete! #scienceforkids Source by e. Nov 16, 2012 What's going on here is that Mentos has thousands of small pores on its surface disrupting the polar attractions between the water molecules,  Apr 3, 2020 At a basic level, the explanation behind the reaction is fairly straightforward: carbon dioxide is dissolved into Coke under pressure. Cracking the  Mar 18, 2017 I remembered myself thinking: “Am I going to die from explosion?” diet-coke1.

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It worked with both, but the diet soda produced a bigger reaction.

Carbonated drinks get their fizz from dissolved carbon dioxide, which is pumped into the bottles at high pressure to make it dissolve. Why does the Coke and Mento Rocket work? There are several theories, but it’s thought that the many small pores on the candy’s surface speed up the release of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) gas from the soda as they give a larger surface area for the reaction to occur over, causing foam to erupt at a super fast rate. Tags: tricks test exsperiment experiments super reaction coca-cola and mentos volcanoeruption vs mentos baking soda coke underground mentos underground coca cola mentos elephant paste fanta underground sprite underground cola volcano volcano from coca cola You might think that there is some ingredient in a Mentos candy that causes a chemical reaction with the soda pop, like the way baking soda reacts with vinegar.