Перевод «notwithstanding» с английского на шведский язык с


Trots det faktum att: English translation, definition, meaning

is in spite of, despite. notwithstanding. English   NOTWITHSTANDING Meaning: "in spite of, despite," from not + present participle of the verb withstand. It has the old "against"… See definitions of  “Man is a masterpiece of creation if for no other reason than that, all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding, he believes he has free will.”  «Notwithstanding» Meaning of notwithstanding in the English dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for notwithstanding and translation of notwithstanding  notwithstanding; although. See also: Notwithstanding. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Dictionaries says that "notwithstanding", when used as a preposition, means " despite".

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This means that you can break the word  That notwithstanding, when it comes to the first two parts of the anthology,. Russo and Vecchi have managed to accomplish much more than gathering essential  Nov 3, 2013 What does this potentially daunting word mean? I think of it as meaning "despite." Notwithstanding is used to create exceptions to rules in a  When used as adverbs, notwithstanding means nevertheless, all the same, whereas regardless means without attention to warnings or indications of bad  Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of. 2. (adv. / conj.) Nevertheless; however; although; as, I shall go, notwithstanding it rains. Greek.

It rained all day; notwithstanding, Rachel went out without a coat. notwithstanding that  Our Mission: “To promote the welfare of blinded veterans so that, notwithstanding their disabilities, they may take their rightful place in the community and work  The book challenges the prevalent view that the European Union is a declining world power.


1545, italics added) or “despite” (Webster's 10th New Collegiate Dict. (1995) p. 795). Sample 1 Sample 2 Notwithstanding that agreement, the PEPP provider shall remain solely liable for its responsibilities under this Regulation.

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This means that you can break the word  That notwithstanding, when it comes to the first two parts of the anthology,. Russo and Vecchi have managed to accomplish much more than gathering essential  Nov 3, 2013 What does this potentially daunting word mean? I think of it as meaning "despite." Notwithstanding is used to create exceptions to rules in a  When used as adverbs, notwithstanding means nevertheless, all the same, whereas regardless means without attention to warnings or indications of bad  Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of. 2. (adv. / conj.) Nevertheless; however; although; as, I shall go, notwithstanding it rains. Greek.

for all that, notwithstanding.
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1724, Daniel Defoe, Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress, ch. 30: Upon which Amy had said, that notwithstanding I was angry with her and had used her so hardly for saying something about her of the same kind, yet there was an absolute necessity of securing her and removing her out of the way; Usage Notwithstanding the feed-store incident, Fulbright was convinced that small-town voters were mostly wise, practical, and fair-minded.

3. I love the boy notwithstanding this naugtiness. 4. Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities i Define notwithstanding.
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Notwithstanding his parents objections; he moved out of the house that night.Her fears notwithstanding, she went ahead with her decision. Mar 22, 2021 Description. Rife with misadventure, brushes with death, and moments of existential insight, The End of the World Notwithstanding is a hilarious  Many translated example sentences containing "that notwithstanding" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations.


Notwithstanding this, the Applicant remains committed to the proposed comprehensive risk management plan that will be put in place. Mimo wszystko , wnioskodawca podtrzymuje zobowiązanie wprowadzenia szeroko zakrojonego planu zarządzania ryzykiem. Jul 20, 2019 The OP's question focuses on Garner's remark: Because the former is the correct reading, some believe that notwithstanding should be sent to  Jan 28, 2015 In legal writing, notwithstanding commonly means despite, in spite of, or although . Try replacing notwithstanding with the fitting simpler term {  Notwithstanding meaning In spite of the fact that; although.

How to use notwithstanding in a sentence. Feb 1, 2019 When writing a contract, beware of the phrase “Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein.” It might not mean what you think it  Notwithstanding (Vintage International) [de Bernieres, Louis] on Amazon.com.