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October 2021. Mon 11. 1604 East Street, North Manchester, IN 46962. ONLINE ONLY AUCTION! ROLEX OYSTER DAY-DATE WATCH - COINS - CURRENCY - SILVER DOLLARS  Name Petersburg Auctioneer Grindstaff Auctions & Realty LLC Type Online-Only Auction Date(s) 10/21/2018 – 11/14/2018 Bidding ending Wed. November 14  Spring Equipment Consignment Online Only Auction. Online Only. Date: Apr 13, 2021.

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ONLINE ONLY AUCTION! ROLEX OYSTER DAY-DATE WATCH - COINS - CURRENCY - SILVER DOLLARS  Name Petersburg Auctioneer Grindstaff Auctions & Realty LLC Type Online-Only Auction Date(s) 10/21/2018 – 11/14/2018 Bidding ending Wed. November 14  Spring Equipment Consignment Online Only Auction. Online Only. Date: Apr 13, 2021. 6954 Corydon Ridge Rd NE Lanesville, IN 47136. View Catalog View  Online Only.

Auction has a soft close starting Sunday, May 31st beginning at 7 pm CST. Lots will end every 40 seconds.