EU-GMP Annex 16 - Qaforum


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Lai, Parallel Imports and Price Controls, CEPR Discussion Paper No. companies inevitably clash: parallel traders use EU competition law as a  “We can only commend the UK government for the decision to continue to allow for parallel import” – Kasper Ernest, Affordable Medicines Europe. “Since we  The UK parallel import licensing scheme lets a medicine authorised in another EU Member State be marketed in the UK, as long as the imported product has no   Jul 30, 2019 However, within the EEA (28 EU Member States, plus Iceland, As such, a parallel import licence can normally be granted if it can be shown  Europe are the same. One example of the different governments' views is their approach to parallel importing. Parallel importing, which oc- curs between two or   purchased at a low price in one country and imported to another country at a higher price. This conduct results in a profit for the parallel importer. Under EU law  Feb 17, 2020 Parallel imports under the MDR, when, who and how: and functioning of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 on the European Union trademark is still  third parties outside the EU in order to prevent parallel imports of those products. That is, EU parallel trade undermines not only third degree price discrimination  ropean original medicines.

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The parallel distribution notice (“the PD notice”) is a document issued as a result of the Agency having conducted its check of the parallel distributor's initial notification and the Agency having confirmed that for the medicinal product distributed in parallel the conditions laid down in the EU legislation on medicinal products and in the marketing authorisation were observed at the time of issuance. 2021-04-09 Ingrid Vandenborre, Nick Wolfe Parallel imports: An overview of EU and national case law. 2 June 2015. This article has been nominated for the 2016 Antitrust Writing Awards. Click here to learn more about the Antitrust Writing Awards.

eller får som resultat att begränsa export / import mellan EU : s medlemsstater  Man kan fortsätta med Foe:s resonemang.


Jun 21, 2018 The European Court of Justice today ruled on the conflict between patent law, parallel imports and the free movement of goods – especially in  Apr 22, 2020 string of European Commission (Commission) parallel trade cases, they would not import to Belgium, and making promotions conditional  Orifarm is a progressive European player in the healthcare business. Within parallel import, we are a member of the Affordable Medicines Europe and the  Jan 9, 2016 Both the volume of parallel imports and the number of parallel imported versions of each drug might thus increase in the destination countries,  If you wish to import and sell products from outside the EEA (in other words the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) you must have permission from the  1.1 Definitions. The term 'parallel import' implies that a medicinal product, for which the Danish Medicines Agency has already granted a marketing authorisation,  over the extent to which parallel imports should be allowed.

Är parallellimport tillåten? - Säljarnas Riksförbund

We are all familiar with the types of IPRs and their increasing role in today’s globalizing sold the goods on any market within the EU he cannot lawfully oppose to their HPRA Guide to Parallel Imports of Human Medicines AUT-G0006-13 3/35 DEFINITIONS Parallel-importation The importation, from an EU Member State or an EEA country, of a medicinal product which is Parallel imports may increase consumer welfare, as imports of goods from a country with lower prices force sellers in the country of destination to reduce prices. Consequently, EU law protects and supports parallel imports as a tool for achieving and maintaining a single market. The issue of parallel imports affects various business sectors and In the case of supplies of medicinal products obtained from another EU country with the purpose of repacking for parallel import, the parallel importer can base the control on other systems if a control report from the exporting country cannot be obtained. The provisions of the Competition Act are infringed only where the obstruction of parallel imports restricts competition within the parameters of the Maltese market.

eller får som resultat att begränsa export / import mellan EU : s medlemsstater  Man kan fortsätta med Foe:s resonemang. EU:s regelverk gör att exklusivitet i ett land inom EU är inte värt något om inte alla parter är överens om  Parallellimport bygger på prisskillnader inom det Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet. Principen för fri rörlighet för varor inom EU möjliggör parallellimport  Introduction: The concept of parallel imports . Parallel imports refer to cross-border sales of goods by independent traders outside the manufacturer’s distribution system without the Parallel imports refer to cross-border sales of goods by independent traders outside the manufacturer’s distribution system without the manufacturer’s consent. Parallel importers generate profit by A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. Parallel imports are often referred to as grey product and are implicated in issues of international trade, and intellectual property. Parallel importing is based on concept of exhaustion of intellectual property rights; according to this concept, when the product is first launched on the market in a particular jurisdiction, parallel importation is authorized to Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country.
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HPRA Guide to Parallel Imports of Human Medicines AUT-G0006-13 3/35 DEFINITIONS Parallel-importation The importation, from an EU Member State or an EEA country, of a medicinal product which is Parallel imports; Production; World pharmaceutical market; Market value; VAT rates; Generics; Imports and exports; Trade balance (by country) Trade balance - high technology sectors; EU main pharmaceutical trading partners; Employment in the pharmaceutical industry (by country) Employment in the pharmaceutical industry (by year) Employment in parallel import cases involve trade marks rights, but they can also involve other IPRs.

The issue of parallel imports affects various business sectors and areas of law. Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC Parallellimport innebär införsel av ett godkänt läkemedel från ett annat land inom det Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet ().För att parallellimport ska få förekomma måste den vara godkänd av Läkemedelsverket. Parallel imports are original European supply sourced in another country of the EU/EEA and totally adapted to the destination market.
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Vad är parallellimport? - FASS Vårdpersonal

This is possible due to the fact that the manufacturers of original pharmaceuticals sell their products at different prices within the EU given the individual market conditions in each country. Parallel import Application may be made for a marketing authorisation for the parallel import of a medicinal product, if the original product already has a valid marketing authorisation in Finland.

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Jun 21, 2018 The European Court of Justice today ruled on the conflict between patent law, parallel imports and the free movement of goods – especially in  Apr 22, 2020 string of European Commission (Commission) parallel trade cases, they would not import to Belgium, and making promotions conditional  Orifarm is a progressive European player in the healthcare business. Within parallel import, we are a member of the Affordable Medicines Europe and the  Jan 9, 2016 Both the volume of parallel imports and the number of parallel imported versions of each drug might thus increase in the destination countries,  If you wish to import and sell products from outside the EEA (in other words the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) you must have permission from the  1.1 Definitions. The term 'parallel import' implies that a medicinal product, for which the Danish Medicines Agency has already granted a marketing authorisation,  over the extent to which parallel imports should be allowed. The European Free Trade Association.

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The Commission accepts that parallel trade is lawful based on the principle of the free movement of goods, provided that it does not pose a threat either to public health or to industrial and commercial property. 2018-09-17 Since the failure of a Commission proposal on parallel imports in 1981, the EU institutions have not managed to come to any legislative agreement in this field. RELATED ACTS. Communication from the Commission of 6 May 1982 on parallel imports of proprietary medicinal products … 2016-12-01 Parallel imports occur where those goods are bought up, most often in a territory where they are cheaper, and imported into another territory where they are sold for a profit. This is a concern for trade mark proprietors because, for example, they may have intended the specific product to be sold outside the EU. Parallel imports are particularly common in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicines, due to the significant difference in pricing across the EU Member States. Importers purchase goods that have already been placed on the market in the EEA and then import … The EU Commission’s position is that parallel imports increase price competition as the import of goods from a country with lower prices forces sellers in the country of destination to reduce prices. Parallel imports are original European supply sourced in another country of the EU/EEA and totally adapted to the destination market.

This is a concern for trade mark proprietors because, for example, they may have intended the specific product to be sold outside the EU. Parallel imports are particularly common in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicines, due to the significant difference in pricing across the EU Member States. Importers purchase goods that have already been placed on the market in the EEA and then import … The EU Commission’s position is that parallel imports increase price competition as the import of goods from a country with lower prices forces sellers in the country of destination to reduce prices. Parallel imports are original European supply sourced in another country of the EU/EEA and totally adapted to the destination market. These medicines are 100% safe, as parallel traders are subject to the same regulatory requirements as manufacturers of the branded or generic pharmaceuticals, and they have to undergo regular inspections by the competent authorities. 44 ÅÊÅÄ 01/2006 PARALLEL IMPORTS OF GOODS IN THE EU ÌÅËÅÔÅÓ were confronted with parallel imports. In the infamous 'Hag I' judgment19, the Court introduced the doctrine of common origin and held that a trade mark may not be relied upon to prohibit the marketing in a member state of goods lawfully produced in another member state under an identical trade mark which has the same origin.