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Äldreboende Lediga Jobb – Undersköterska Hornstulls

Nu pågår en utvecklingsfas av Dosell i nära dialog med Attendo AB (publ) shareholders should be happy to see the share price up 10% in the last quarter.But that doesn't change the fact that the returns over the last three years have been less than pleasing. The shareholders proposed to be represented in the Nomination Committee represents approximately 43 percent of the shares and votes in Attendo. Instruction for the Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee proposes that the instruction for the committee adopted at the 2017 Annual General Meeting is replaced with the below instruction, which shall be in force from now on. Company Summary. Attendo is the leading Nordic provider of outsourced social and healthcare services. Actively managed for our shareholders. PIP's global  At the end of 2020, Nordstjernan was the company's largest shareholder, with 18 percent of both the capital and voting rights.

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128,109,494. 79.38%. 79.38%. Total other shareholders. 33,277,098. 20.62%.

usage in the company and to provide flexibility as regards the company’s possibilities to distribute capital to its shareholders.

Transactions arkiv Sida 112 av 161 Carnegie

About Cookies. We collect personal information to give you a better experience of the site. Name Shares Share capital, % Voting rights, % Nordstjernan AB: 29,821,930: 18.53%: 18.53%: Pertti Karjalainen via companies: 18,039,265: 11.21%: 11.21%: Incentive AM A list of Attendo's major shareholders with Nordstjernan AB at the top. Analysts Attendo is followed by the analysts listeded on this page.

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Attendo AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting on 14 April 2021. The meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals by the Board of Directors and Nomination Committee.

Download the Information on shareholder dividends. (3) At 31 Attendo Annual Report 2019 Attendo in short / Operations 3. Jan. Investors & ShareholdersThe bank for a changing world · Universal Registration Documents / Registration Documents & Annual Financial Reports. The questionnaire was given to nurses working in Attendo Oy, Finland as assistant nurses or licensed practical nurses. The questionnaires were sent via an. Shareholders pushing for improved corporate governance standards are increasingly asking for more detailed outlines of the economic rationale for cross-   Name, Shares, Share capital, %, Voting rights, %.
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Investeraren - Allt Humana bab shareholders. Artiklar med  1,45 Enzymatica Ljungberg Attendo Autoliv SDB Avanza Axfood Balder B Be Group Avanza – LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS Axfood börsen  Atrium Ljungberg AB, Attana AB, Attendo AB, Large Cap, Mid Cap, Information regarding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders  Att koppla ihop Det var framför allt Attendo och NRC Group som tyngde in the company and to enhance shareholder value through effective.

Company Summary. Attendo is the leading Nordic provider of outsourced social and healthcare services. Actively managed for our shareholders.
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The new shares will generate shareholder rights asof 4 April 2019 when  Hitta information om Attendo Shared Services AB. Adress: Vendevägen 85, Postnummer: 182 91. Telefon: 08-586 252 ..

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Attendo Corporate governance aims to protect shareholders and other stakeholders by creating a good balance between shareholders, board members and senior management as well as build a framework for governing documents, procedures and processes, risk management and internal control - which together create good control and transparency.

Trygghetsboende med Attendo - AttendoHem

Instruction for the Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee proposes that the instruction for the committee adopted at the 2017 Annual General Meeting is replaced with the below instruction, which shall be in force from now on. 2018-05-17 Attendo AB (publ) gives notice of its Annual General Meeting to be held at 5:00pm on Thursday, 12 April 2018 at Danderyds gymnasium, Rinkebyvägen 4, Danderyd, S With respect to recent developments regarding Covid-19 (Corona), Attendo has decided to take precautionary measures in connection with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 15, 2020.The aim is to reduce the spread of infection while safeguarding both the well-being of our shareholders and their ability to exercise their rights. Attendo är verksamma inom vård och omsorg. Bolaget erbjuder tjänster relaterade till äldreomsorg, omsorg till personer med funktionsnedsättning, individ- och familjeomsorg samt hälso- och sjukvård. Bolaget bedriver för närvarande verksamhet inom den skandinaviska marknaden. Samarbetet sker via kommuner och privata omsorgsbolag. Attendo AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting on 15 April 2020.

Agenda. Election of the chairman of the Annual General Meeting. Preparation and approval of the voting register.