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psf Pund per kvadratfot till Pounds per kvadrattum psi - Unit

Instant free online tool for kilopascal to psi conversion or vice versa. The kilopascal [kPa] to psi [psi] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert kilopascal or psi to other pressure units or learn more about pressure conversions. The pressure value 75 psf (pounds per sq. foot) in words is "seventy-five psf (pounds per sq.

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Pound Per Square Foot (abbreviations: psf, or lb/ft2): is a British (Imperial) and American pressure unit which is directly related to the psi pressure unit by a factor of 144 (1 sq ft = 12 in x 12 in = 144 sq in). 1 Pounds per square foot = 4.8×10-5 Megapascals: 10 Pounds per square foot = 0.000479 Megapascals: 2500 Pounds per square foot = 0.1197 Megapascals: 2 Pounds per square foot = 9.6×10-5 Megapascals Instant free online tool for ksi to psi conversion or vice versa. The ksi [ksi] to psi [psi] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert ksi or psi to other pressure units or learn more about pressure conversions. Pounds per square foot.

1 psi = 144 pound-force/square foot.

Hur konverterar du pund per kvadratfot till PSI - Vetenskap

By contrast, psia measures pressure relative to a vacuum (such as that in space). At sea level, Earth's atmosphere actually exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi.

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4, pund/fot² (ksi)  1, pund/tum² (psi), = 144.00, pund/fot² (ksi). 2, pund/tum² (psi), = 288.00, pund/fot² (ksi). 3, pund/tum² (psi), = 432.00, pund/fot² (ksi). 4, pund/tum² (psi), = 576.00  Konvertering av enheter mellom 1750 Pund Per Kvadrattomme og Pund Per Kvadrat Fot (1750 psi og psf) er konverteringen mellom ulike måleenheter, I dette  Konvertera mått och vikt Telenor ~ Imperial Pound per square foot lbft 2 Mer korrekt lbfft 2 pound force Pound per square inch lbin 2 PSI Mer  Convert between 120+ units of measurement. ◦ Area (square km, square meter, square centimeter, hectare, square mile, square yard, and more) ◦ Digital  Para Ser Feliz PSF, Buenos Aires. 19 137 gillar · 19 pratar om detta · 135 har varit här. Materiales Didacticos y Terapeuticos orientados AUTISMO, T.G.D Till skillnad från Showa SFF TAC-gafflar, som kör cirka 170 psi, använder PSF-2-gafflar bara 35 psi.

1 pascal is equal to 0.020885434273039 psf, or 0.00014503773800722 psi. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
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100 Pounds Per Square Foot to Pounds Per Square Inch = 0.6944. 5 Pounds Per Square Foot to Pounds Per Square Inch = 0.0347. 200 Pounds Per Square Foot to Pounds Per Square Inch = 1.3889. Pound force per square inch Pounds per square foot; 1 psi: 143.99999081041 psf: 2 psi: 287.99998162082 psf: 3 psi: 431.99997243123 psf: 4 psi: 575.99996324164 psf One ton per square foot converted into pound per square in equals = 13.89 psi 1 tsf - US Short = 13.89 psi Pound Per Square Foot (abbreviations: psf, or lb/ft2 ): is a British (Imperial) and American pressure unit which is directly related to the psi pressure unit by a factor of 144 (1 sq ft = 12 in x 12 in = 144 sq in). Where, 1 pound per square foot equals 47.8803 pascals.

inch unit psi as in an equivalent measurement result (two different units but the same identical physical total value, which is also equal to their proportional parts when divided or multiplied).
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1 psi: 143.99999081041 psf: 2 psi: 287.99998162082 psf: 3 psi: 431.99997243123 psf: 4 psi: 575.99996324164 psf: 5 psi: 719.99995405205 psf: 6 psi: 863.99994486246 psf: 7 psi: 1007.9999356729 psf: 8 psi: 1151.9999264833 psf: 9 psi: 1295.9999172937 psf: 10 psi: 1439.9999081041 psf: 11 psi: 1583.9998989145 psf: 12 psi: 1727.9998897249 psf: 13 psi: 1871.9998805353 psf: 14 psi: 2015.9998713457 psf: 15 psi How to convert pound-force/square foot to psi. 1 pound-force/square foot = 0.0069444444444444 psi.

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Notera, det finns två tabeller och en lista Här är en annan användbar länk  psf or psi The SI derived unit for pressure is the pascal.

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Hur mycket är 1 Pound per square inch (psi)? Måttenhetsomräknare som bl a Pound per square inch (psi) kan räknas om med. (Tryck) Hur många Bar utgör 1 Pound per square inch? Måttenhetskonverteraren kan bl a räkna om psi till Bar (Pound per square inch till Bar). (Tryck) 1, pund/fot² (ksi), = 0.006944, pund/tum² (psi). 2, pund/fot² (ksi), = 0.013889, pund/tum² (psi).

30 U!tuna 410 IA2 Psi. 34 Unnaryds Psi. 727 Kra1fors Psk. PS h · PSA Peugeot Citroën · PSA Super Series; PSA-Screening; PSF · PSI · PSI Factor · PSK · PSK-Modulator · PSN-Diode · PSPACE · PSS1-Signalisierung  Pound per square foot (lb/ft2) Mer korrekt: lbf/ft2 (pound force). Pound per square inch (lb/in2 = PSI) Mer korrekt: lbf/in2 (pound force).