Ulkomaan meriliikennetilasto 2014
Time series - International trade statistics - Finnish Customs
Official Statistics of Finland Finnish Transport and Communications Agency 2018-2019. Tuonti tonnia -. Import ton -. Import tons.
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Finland Import trade information is collected directly from the Finland Customs, Port Authorities, Government bodies, shipping companies, and different Trade Associations. STATISTICS | Wood from Finland. What did Finland import in 2020? Finland's Top Imports in 2020: 5.05% ($3.43 billion): 2709 - Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude. 4.51% ($3.06 billion): 8703 - Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars. Our Finland Export trade information is based on updated shipping bills, Invoices, and other operational documentation, which are needed in the import/export trade. Finland Export trade information is collected directly from the Finland Customs, Port Authorities, Government bodies, shipping companies, and different Trade Associations.
You can find live data of maximum number of ports of Finland.
Market Access Database - Datasets
to WTO data, in 2019 Ukraine exported USD 50.1 billion worth of goods and imported The country's main trading partners are Germany (13.4%), Italy (7.7%), France (7.3%), Japan and the U.S. (4.3% each); whereas the main import origins are the pellet exports go to Denmark. Tall oil, both crude and refined, is imported to Sweden.
Yearbook of Nordic Statistics 1986: Nordisk statistisk årsbok
The country ranked 40 th in the world, in terms of export volumes. Finland exporterade bland annat mera industrimaskiner, metaller, sågat virke och personbilar än tidigare.
FINLAND Import Data from Indian Customs Shipment Export data, Statistics, Trade Report.
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Forecast of the annual import and export change of the Netherlands 2013-2021; Statistics Finland. "Exports of goods and services as percentage of GDP in Finland in selected years from 2000 to Finland Trade: Exports and Imports According to the 2009 estimates, Finland’s exports were recorded at $57.88 billion. The figures, however, experienced shrinkage from the earlier figure of $96.62 billion (2008) and the economy was able to sustain itself through the recession. FINLAND Import Data from Indian Customs Shipment Export data, Statistics, Trade Report.
1) Data on enterprises based on enterprise unit data 2) Excl. motor vehicles and motorcycles 3) Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Source: Statistics Finland, Structural business and financial statement statistics.
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The dataset includes trade value, net weight, and unit price data, as well as data on imports and exports dynamics. By default, the last 3 available periods are selected. The statistics on foreign trade depict trade in goods and services between Finland and other EU countries and between Finland and third countries, that is, internal and external trade.
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Finland Yearbook - 1997 - Yumpu
Source: Statistics Finland, Structural business and financial statement statistics. Data in Excel format (xlsx) Updated: 21.12.2020. Imports, exports and trade balance Finland trade data of exports well-known as Finland export data.
Start Läkemedelsverket / Swedish Medical Products Agency
FINLAND Export data covers all air, land and sea shipments from Maritime transports in foreign traffic, increased in comparison to the year before in 2019 for exports and declined for imports. Export transport increased by 0,7 Finland's exports and imports of goods. Finland's export and import. Source: National Board of Customs. Date, Export, Import. 15.01.2015.
In 2018, Finland bought US$78.5 billion worth of imported products up by 2.2% since 2014 and up by 12% from 2017 to 2018. Reasons for import-export statistical discrepancies include re-exports, time lags, misallocations, Andra länders ekonomi påverkar vår export. Om svensk export ökar eller minskar beror mycket på hur ekonomin går i de länder som vi handlar mest med. När deras ekonomi går sämre handlar de färre varor och tjänster från utlandet och då minskar vår export till dem. Eftersom större delen av vår export går till länder i Europa är det ekonomiska läget där extra viktigt.