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So far more than 370 papers have been published using the The Swedish Twin Registry. Methods: We conducted a cohort study of 9017 cognitively intact individuals aged ≥ 65 years in the Swedish Twin Registry. The main exposure was the total number of … The Swedish Twin Registry was first established in the late 1950s. Today it includes more than 170,000 twins--in principle, all twins born in Sweden since 1886. In this article we describe some ongoing and recently completed projects based on the registry. In particular, we describe recent efforts to screen all twins born between 1959 and 1985, and young twin pairs when they turn 9 and 12 The Swedish Twin Registry (STR) is the largest population‐based twin registry in the world and contains information on > 160,000 twins.

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Scandinavian A 16-year follow-up study of 6323 Swedish Twins. 30 aug. 2019 — News from the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet (KI). Twin registry at @karolinskainst contributed cross-validation with help  Mafuta & Simba bakom det största Baobabträdet: Twin Doves äventyr 1 (Swedish Edition) [Mafuta, Ms ROSY NSIMBA, Register a free business account. 2 feb. 2021 — This cross-sectional study included 25,378 Swedish twins including 2223 complete twin pairs, from the Swedish Twin Registry were included  history of cancer: a cohort study using Danish and Swedish national registries. singleton pregnancies with women undergoing one IVF twin pregnancy.

The Swedish Twin Registry (abbreviated STR) is a twin registry based at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Originally established in the 1960s, it is the largest twin registry in the world. It is widely used for medical research, with about thirty active … Purpose: The goal of the Swedish Twin Registry (STR) is to provide a longitudinal research infrastructure in the form of a population-based twin cohort of adequate size and content to enable powerful epidemiological and molecular medical studies.


Swedish Twin Registry, STR. Patrik Magnusson facility, also a national SciLifeLab facility and node of the Swedish national infrastructure for biological mass  23 aug. 2017 — using high-density SNP-array data from a nation-wide cohort of over 10 000 Swedish-born individuals included in the Swedish Twin Registry. nation-wide cohort of over 10 000 Swedish-born individuals included in the Swedish Twin Registry. A total of 1000 individuals, reflecting a cross-section of the  lockar de viktiga yngre målgrupperna.

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2020 — Denna film är avancemang från The Twin från 1988, den står The Swedish Twin Registry Karolinska Institutet ~ The Swedish Twin Registry  av P Sandström · 2016 · Citerat av 70 — On the decline of ground lichen forests in the Swedish boreal landscape: a 10 m radius plot (n = 13 008) with twin 0.28 m radius plots (n = 1226; Appendix S1). Osteoporotic fractures are common in Sweden. of 2300 men followed with six repeat examinations during 40 years and within the large Swedish twin registry. 7 feb. 2021 — of common risk factors on incident dementia: A cohort study of the Swedish Twin Registry. Journal of internal medicine, 288(2), 234–247.

Vid Institutionen för medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik bedriver vi forskning och utbildning inom epidemiologi och biostatistik. Institutionen ansvarar bland annat för Karolinska Institutets biobank och det Svenska Tvillingregistret.
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May 13, 2015 The questionnaire was initially sent to all twins from the Swedish Twin Registry who were separated at an early age and raised apart; the  May 18, 2020 The researchers analyzed data from two sources: 22,678 pairs of twins in the Swedish Twin Registry, who were born from 1982 to 2008; and  Most of these studies, however, are unable to distinguish between MZ and DZ ( dizygotic, fraternal) twins. Using data from the Swedish Twin Registry, we  May 22, 2020 A large twin study in Sweden finds genetics has a much larger data from two sources: 22,678 pairs of twins in the Swedish Twin Registry,  May 16, 2020 The Swedish Twin registry is a large database of twins in the world, with approximately 85.000 two pairs. The other two registers cover a more  Overview of Services. The Swedish Twin Registry, managed by Karolinska Institutet is the largest of its kind and has become an invaluable resource for medical  The Danish Twin Registry is one of the oldest twin registries in the world and it contains data on twins born in Denmark for more than 140 years.

Address for reprints: Patrick F. Sullivan, M.D., Department of Genetics, CB 7264, 4109 Neuro-sciences Research Building, University of North Swedish twin study reveals possible genetic link. Sweden is apparently the place to be if you are a twin.
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The questionnaire was initially sent to all twins from the Swedish Twin Registry who were separated at an early age and raised apart; the survey was also administered to a control sample of twins who were raised together. 2021-02-05 1978-01-01 Many translated example sentences containing "Swedish twin registry" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. OBJECTIVE: There is great need of biomarkers for research and clinical purposes in COPD. This study explored the relationships between ten putative plasma biomarkers of COPD and physiological measures of reduced lung function. METHODS: FEV(1), FVC, residual volume/total lung capacity (RV/TLC) and CO diffusion capacity (D(L)CO) were assessed in 357 subjects from the Swedish Twin Registry.

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Of these, approximately 20,000, 25,000, and 30,000 pairs are monozygotic, same-sex dizygotic, and opposite-sex dizygotic pairs, respectively. The Swedish Twin Registry (STR), which today hasdeveloped into a unique resource, was first established in the late 1950s to study the importance of smoking and alcohol consumption on cancer and cardiovascular diseases whilst controlling for genetic propensity to disease. Vid Institutionen för medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik bedriver vi forskning och utbildning inom epidemiologi och biostatistik. Institutionen ansvarar bland annat för Karolinska Institutets biobank och det Svenska Tvillingregistret.

Erikson R. (​2003):“The Right to Privacy and the Right to Information”. 19th CEIES Seminar:  the Swedish Twin Registry and other research groups both within and outside Professor Ullén is a lifetime fellow of the Swedish Royal Academy of Music  ascertainment of dementia in the Swedish Twin Registry: the HARMONY study. Swedish people: the relationship to cognitive function and functional ability. It extends the work based on the Swedish Twin Registry to the entire Swedish population.