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Today marks the launch of the first report of the  10 Dec 2020 “I would like to thank Donna Ockenden for this report but more importantly the families for coming forward.” “As the Chief Executive now and on  10 Dec 2020 Donna Ockenden discusses her findings in the Ockenden Report into maternity care failings at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. 31 Aug 2018 Senior midwife Donna Ockenden is reviewing the incidents at Shrewsbury reports that many more fatalities had been included in the review. 12 Jul 2018 Donna Ockenden's latest report highlights failures to improve care and safety of vulnerable patients. Ockenden International and its annual Prizes aim to support the rights of all refugees and displaced people – in any location – to a life of dignity and to help them  OCKENDEN REPORT Emerging indings and ecommendations rom the Independent eview o Maternity Services at he Shrewsbury and elord Hospital NHS rust Explanation of Maternity specific terminology used in this report Throughout the text this report sometimes uses terms and words that may be unfamiliar to some readers. Ockenden Report: Emerging findings and recommendations from the independent review of maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (10 December 2020) - Trust investigations - Patient Safety Learning - the hub The Ockenden Report Emerging Findings and Recommendations from the Independent Review of Maternity Services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Published on 10 Dec 2020. It is an interim report highlighting immediate actions following their initial findings. Just as it took a long and arduous battle by bereaved families to uncover the truth about events at Morecambe Bay trust, the Ockenden report only came about because of the extraordinary struggle of Independent report Ockenden review of maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Emerging findings and recommendations from the independent review of maternity services at the 1) All 7 IEAs of the Ockenden report, 2) NICE guidance relating to maternity, 3) compliance against the CNST safety actions, and 4) a current workforce gap analysis Your assurance assessment tool should also be reported through your LMS and shared with regional teams by the 15 January 2021, in order to complete a gap and The Ockenden report is an opportunity for parents and families to have their concerns heard, for practice to be reviewed and for lessons to be learnt and immediate and essential actions to be implemented.

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Reference format of a citation for a report in APA 7 should be: Author/Publisher. (Year). Title of report (Report number, if applicable). Article’s location or the URL. An example of a citation of a report where the author is also the publisher is: Productivity Commission, Australian Government. (2014).

Emerging findings and recommendations from the independent review of maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. 10 December 2020.

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Ockenden review of maternity services. Document first published: 14 December 2020 Page updated: 11 January 2021 Topic: Maternity Publication type: Letter. Document. Executive’s unreservedapology given on publication of the Ockenden Report in December 2020 to all the women and families affected by the care failings experienced in the Trust and the commitment given that all actions raised in the report would be addressed.

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Membership & Secretariat Queries: Tel: 020 7631 8883 Email: Events, Courses & Meeting Queries: Tel: 020 7631 8882 Email: Ockenden Report on Maternity Services 1. Purpose 1.1. This paper summarises the essential actions recommended by the Ockenden Report into Maternity Services for the attention of the Board. 2.

There are seven immediate and essential actions (IEAs) within the Ockenden report comprising 12 specific urgent clinical priorities. An initial gap analysis has been undertaken with the input of the Trust maternity safety champion, Local Maternity System and the executive leads.
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10 Dec 2020 Responding to the Ockenden Report on the emerging findings and recommendations from the independent review of maternity services at the  10 Dec 2020 OCKENDEN REPORT – Emerging Findings and Recommendations from the Independent Review of Maternity Services at The Shrewsbury  10 Dec 2020 The independent review, by a team led by midwifery expert Donna Ockenden, found 1,862 serious incidents including hundreds of baby deaths  10 Dec 2020 Commenting, Dr Edward Morris, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: “This report makes difficult reading for  families and the Dementia Care Mapping report (below) they found the ward Ockenden at interview by Staff member 14 (Appendix 32) and Facebook excerpts   10 Dec 2020 Ockenden Report: Baby deaths review at Shropshire hospitals An initial review investigating baby deaths at Shropshire's main NHS trust has  18 Dec 2020 Key findings in the Ockenden review · there was a failure to identify where a mother's presentation was outside the norm and to refer for specialist  10 Dec 2020 Shrewsbury maternity scandal: What were the recommendations in the Ockenden report?

Title of report (Report number, if applicable). Article’s location or the URL. An example of a citation of a report where the author is also the publisher is: Productivity Commission, Australian Government.
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Ockenden review of maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-2304-9 , HC 1081 2020-21 PDF , 873KB , 48 pages Order a copy 2021-01-11 2020-12-10 The Ockenden report presents the initial findings on an inquiry into maternity care at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust following a letter from families raising concerns about significant harm and deaths of neonates and mothers. The initial review was of 23 families, this rapidly increased to 1,862 cases between 2000 and 2019. 2020-12-11 Madam Deputy Speaker, with permission I’d like to make a statement on the initial report from the Ockenden Review, which was published this morning.. Context.

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The report is around 50 pages long, presented in a straightforward format that clearly highlights the challenges. Madam Deputy Speaker, the Ockenden Review is an important document, vividly showing the importance of patient safety. I can assure the House that we will learn the lessons that must be learned, so United Kingdom January 22 2021 The Ockenden review into maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust (SaTH) last month published its first report setting out actions that need to be The Guardian reports the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved by the UK medicines regulator, opening up the possibility of rapidly scaling up vaccination against Covid-19, especially for elderly people in care homes. 2018 – A ‘Review of the Governance Arrangements relating to the care of patients on Tawel Fan ward’ is a report by Donna Ockenden and was commissioned by Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board. The review was published on the 12th July 2018.

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A leaked status update on an independent maternity review into cases of serious and potentially serious concern at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust (SaTH) has been published by the Independent and subsequently other media outlets. The RCOG is referenced in this leaked document as it was asked by SaTH to assess its maternity and neonatal services in 2017 in light of reports of Ockenden Report and provide assurance of effective implementation to their boards, Local Maternity System and NHS England and NHS Improvement regional teams. Rather than a tick box exercise, the tool provides a structured process to enable providers to critically evaluate Donna Ockenden Limited External Investigation into concerns raised regarding the care and treatment of patients Tawel Fan Ward, Ablett Acute Mental Health Unit Glan Clwyd Hospital. Final Report September 2014 CONFIDENTIAL 34 NOTE: Documents marked * will be provided as appendices to this report 2020-12-12 · There is a darker side. Francis’ and Ockenden’s reports demonstrate this.

The report sets out 27 actions for the trust itself and 7 for the wider maternity system. The Ockenden Review identified the following actions in this area. The Trust must develop clear Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for junior obstetric staff and midwives on when to involve the consultant obstetrician.