新思惟之友 InnovaRad: Radiating Innovations : 【五月校友好成績
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Methods: This observational retrospective study compared malaria data sets during rainfall seasons in the Almanagil Locality in the year of flooding (2013) with those of corresponding rainfall seasons of previous two non-flood years (2011 and 2012). PLOS Medicine, abgekürzt PLOS Med., ist eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die von der Public Library of Science veröffentlicht wird. Die erste Ausgabe erschien 2004, sie erscheint monatlich. Veröffentlicht werden Artikel von besonderer Bedeutung, die über verschiedene Bereiche ausstrahlen und die relevanten Determinanten für die Gesundheit aus Umwelt, Biologie, dem sozialen Bereich und PLoS Medicine.
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Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open. PLoS ONE IF is decreased by a factor of 0.13 and approximate percentage change is -4.33% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend. The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. · The 2019-2020 Journal Impact IF of PLoS Medicine is 10.5 PLoS Medicine Key Factor Analysis · PLoS Medicineの2019-2020インパクトファクターは10.5です PLoS Medicine インパクトファクター As for the impact factor, the 2008 numbers were released last month.
No impact factor PLoS currents influenza<2009-2010> Evidence for genomic applications<2010> Start year: 2009 Frequency: Updated continuously LetPub Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2021), PLoS One published in 2006, UNITED STATES.
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PLoS Medicine IF is decreased by a factor of 0.57 and approximate percentage change is -5.72% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend. Scope. PLOS Medicine publishes articles relevant to clinicians, policymakers, and researchers across a range of settings that address the major biological, environmental, social, and political determinants of health.
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Bl a ger PLoS ut högkvalitativa tidskrifter som PLoS Biology (impact factor 14.1) och PLoS Medicine (impact factor 12.1). Avtalet innebär att Lunds universitet, via 27 mars 2021 — Impact Factor bestäms nu från två artikeldatabaser, Social Sciences Citation Index (för beräkning. Journal impact factor (JIF) beräknas för en tvåårsperiod med följande formel: PLoS Medicine Editors: Impact Factor Game . 25 okt. 2013 — There are some given examples as PLoS with its many journals, BioMed ITC library has created a list on open access journals with impact factor. possible, e.g.
PLOS Medicine publishes articles relevant to clinicians, policymakers, and researchers across a range of settings that address the major biological, environmental, social, and political determinants of health. The editors make decisions on submissions based upon their potential to directly and substantially inform clinical practice or health
The journal is abstracted and indexed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed, the Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, and BIOSIS Previews. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal had a 2014 impact factor of 14.429, ranking it 7th out of 153 journals in the category "Medicine, General & Internal". The PLoS ONE Journal Impact IF measures the average number of citations received in a particular year (2020) by papers published in the PLoS ONE during the two preceding years (2018-2019).
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LetPub整理了最新的PLOS MEDICINE 期刊投稿经验, 期刊官方投稿网址,审稿 周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊分区,中国作者发表的文章等信息, 以供中国作者 Jul 31, 2019 The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) was originally developed to help 2015; Brembs et al., 2013; The PLOS Medicine Editors, 2006; Kurmis, 2003; May 7, 2020 “The impact factor is a statistically indefensible indicator of journal Available from: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article%3Fid%3D10.
· The 2019-2020 Journal Impact IF of PLoS Medicine is 10.5 PLoS Medicine Key Factor Analysis · PLoS Medicineの2019-2020インパクトファクターは10.5です PLoS Medicine インパクトファクター
As for the impact factor, the 2008 numbers were released last month.
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Rigorously reported, peer reviewed and immediately available without restrictions, promoting the widest readership and impact possible. The impact factor (IF) 2018 of PLoS Medicine is 9.39, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. PLoS Medicine IF is decreased by a factor of 0.57 and approximate percentage change is -5.72% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend.
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The impact of news exposure on collective attention in the United States during the 2016 Zika epidemic The PLoS Pathogens Impact Factor IF measures the average number of citations received in a particular year (2020) by papers published in the PLoS Pathogens during the two preceding years (2018-2019). Note that 2020 Impact Factor are reported in 2021; they cannot be calculated until all of the 2020 publications have been processed by the indexing agency. In 2018, the impact factor of PLOS ONE was 2.776. However, the importance of the impact factor is up for debate.
新思惟之友 InnovaRad: Radiating Innovations : 【五月校友好成績
Science, 356, 526. 4. PLoS ONE, 175, 237. 31. Bl a ger PLoS ut högkvalitativa tidskrifter som PLoS Biology (impact factor 14.1) och PLoS Medicine (impact factor 12.1). Avtalet innebär att Lunds universitet, via 27 mars 2021 — Impact Factor bestäms nu från två artikeldatabaser, Social Sciences Citation Index (för beräkning.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0217465; Nilson, F., The impact of community-based interventions for the elderly population: a Medical and biological factors affecting mortality in elderly residential fire PLoS Medicine 2018 Jan 30;15(1). Bergman J, Nordström A, -year impact factor: 4.9).