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Bibliometric evaluation of research programs: A study - DiVA

Compare with the evolution of the h-index ranking we saw earlier. (Feel free to go back up to examine the h-index ranking again.) A good H-index score depends not only on a prolific output but also on a large number of citations by other authors. It is important, therefore, that your research reaches a wide audience, preferably one to whom your topic is particularly interesting or relevant, in a clear, high-quality text. The h index disregards author ranking and co-author characteristics on publications.

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10 Apr 2021 SCImago - another source of journal h-index. SCImago Journal and Country Rank uses Scopus data to compare journals and countries. It is  Research highlights. ▷ The ranking by h-index is viewed to indicate the positions of rank-citation curves. ▷ Shape descriptors are proposed to characterize the  Gennemsnitligt antal citationer de sidste 11 år – vægtes 10%; H-index for de sidste 2 år – vægtes 10%; Antal Highly Cited Papers – vægtes 15%; Antal artikler   Summary. Hirsch (2005) has proposed the h-index as a single-number criterion to evaluate the scientific output of a researcher (Ball,  The authors are ranked first by h-index in decreasing order and when ties appear , then by the total number of citations as a secondary criteria. Only living authors  the impact factor of journal or h-index.

from the original Persian by G. Ranking . Vol . 1 : 5 ; 2 : 5—7 & Index 1-2 ; 3 : 1 .

Journal Impact Factor bibliometri

The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist’s most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications. The index can also be applied to the productivity and impact 2021-03-10 · The h-index, or Hirsch index, measures the impact of a particular scientist rather than a journal. "It is defined as the highest number of publications of a scientist that received h or more citations each while the other publications have not more than h citations each." 1 For example, a scholar with an h-index of 5 had published 5 papers, each of The h-index may be less useful in some disciplines, particularly some areas of the humanities.

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Only read publications from high-ranking journals; 9. persönlicher Scientific Citations Index (SCI, h-Index nach Web of Science) über alle  viBästa skolkommun till en indexbaseradranking vilket möjliggör nya bakgrundsfaktorer har tagits hänsyn till i likvärdighetsindexet: elevens  We are a research-led university with a NIRF ranking of 101-150 and H-Index of > 70. QS World University Rankings: #1 in Citation in India, #34 in India overall. Svensk översättning av 'citation' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från EnglishBibliometrics, ranking and citation searching Hennes forskningsbidrag beskrivs idag med ett h-index på 28, 1625 citeringar (utan  5.4 INDIKATORER OCH INDIKATIONSGRÄNSER I ASIH-INDEX 2011 .

Gratis analys, förslag och ranking för samtliga avdelningar. H. Biri lørdag 13. Här har vi Read Trilog Mar 17, 2021 · The Volatility 75 Index better known as VIX is an index measuring the volatility of the S&P500 stock index. Fram till år 2000 var databasen Science Citation Index (ISI) För några år sedan fick en grupp europeiska historiker en relativt låg ranking i. Spara tid i sommar – klipp gräset i 240 km/h.
Preliminärt tyska Encyclopaedia Britannica,  Spara tid i sommar – klipp gräset i 240 km/h. Värld – Bilnyheter, test av bilar och mycket mer Provided by Alexa ranking, teknikensvarld. på 17:e plats bland 23 märken vid Auto-Index 2019 där privata bilägare tycker till om sitt bilinnehav. FAKTA.

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Source To manually calculate your h-index, organize articles in descending order, based on the number of times they have been cited. In the below example, an author has 8 papers that have been cited 33, 30, 20, 15, 7, 6, 5 and 4 times. This tells us that the author's h-index is 6.

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The m-index is a scientist's H-index divided by the number of years since his/her first paper. The a-index is the mean number of citations for the articles used to calculate the H-index. The total sum for the H-index values for top scientists in Ranking is 320961 with a mean value for the h-index of 58.19. The total sum for the DBLP publications for leading scientists in Ranking is 1155407 with a mean value for DBLP publications is 209.46. There is a total of 2328 scientists included with 599 of them also being features in the world ranking.

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Strängnäs. Akademiskt rykte, arbetsgivares rykte, forsknings citat per uppsats och H-index är de fyra delar som ger resultaten för ämnesrankningarna. Enligt QS World  State of the Nordic Region 2018 includes a Regional Potential Index, ranking the 74 Nordic regions.

Metrics based on Scopus® data as of April 2020 An h-index of 3 hence means that the author has published at least three articles, of which each has been cited at least three times.