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Spintso International @spintsointernational Instagram

Spintso Refcom - 4 Radio Ptt Set - www.therugbyshop.com. començar original Refcom pic. Spintso Refcom - 4 Radio Ptt Set - www.therugbyshop.com  Dit scheidsrechtershorloge is speciaal ontworpen door scheidsrechters voor scheidsrechters. Een top horloge dat elke scheidsrechter zijn wedstrijd zonder  12 May 2017 Download and stream Spintso Refcom Sprach - Kommunikationssystem 3SET Kopellung in 3GP MP4 FLV MP3 available in 240p, 360p, 720p,  Spintso calls this the most advanced referee watch in the world! Four game timers work automatically together in one system during the match.

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Hary Milas from Refsworld demonstrates the features of the Spintso watch.This video is a courtesy of Refsworld.www.refsworld.net Whether you’re after the Flagship Spintso Ref Watch Pro, or the elegant Spintso Ref Watch 2s in White, look no further. we carry the full range of Spintso Watches at very competitive prices.

Spintso International @spintsointernational Instagram

The Microcom is designed to offer what Spintso wants and at the same time be smaller than previous Spintso Refcom - MC - professionelles Sprach - Kommunikationssystem im Allzweck Spintso Refcom Shop günstig bestellen -High-End Sprach-Kommunikationssystem als 1er, 2er, 3er oder 4er Set. Iniciar Sesión. v2.0 REFCOM® is recognized worldwide by leagues, teams, coaches and sport referees.

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Spintso Refcom® 3-set Microcom. FREE Standard UK delivery for a limited time only - Express Delivery Available Spintso REFCOM® - sistema di comunicazione arbitrale professionale. REFCOM® è riconosciuto in tutto il mondo da leghe, squadre, allenatori e arbitri sportivi. Il set da 2 è un sistema di comunicazione wireless sviluppato con gli arbitri per gli arbitri per soddisfare i requisiti di vari sport. 1X Fifa yellow card with first and last name 1x Fifa red card with first and last name 1x Fifa key ring Up to 30 letters possible.

Spintso har sedan notering den 3 mars 2017 vid NGM Nordic MTF lagt kraft vid att förbättra produkterbjudandet samt marknadsföra Spintsos produkter internationellt. Bland annat har produkterna REFCOM® PRO och REFCOM®, den kommunikationsutrustning domarna har mellan varandra under matcher i bland annat fotboll och handboll lanserats samt återlanserats. The Spintso Microcom is designed for professional sports. The Microcom is designed to offer what Spintso wants and at the same time be smaller than previous REFCOM is the latest product from Spintso, the refereeing technology specialists.
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Four game timers work automatically together in one system during the match. Preset the  Spintso's unique Stoppage/Injury timer function makes it also the preferred choice of College and High School referees.
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Address: Spintso AB. Box 3113. 103 62 Stockholm, Sweden. R & D and Support Centre: Spintso International AB. Box 2035. E-mail: info@spintso.se Phone: +46 (0) 243 190 90 Adress: Spintso AB Box 3113 103 62 Stockholm Forskning och Servicecenter: Spintso International AB Box 2035 135 02 Tyresö E-mail: info@spintso.se.

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Designed to bring the latest and greatest in communications technology to everyone, this innovative device combines licence-free encrypted communications with premium-quality components. It may look similar to cheaper devices on the market, but appearance is where the similarities end. The internal circuitry offers Spintso får Refcom-order från Ungerns handbollsförbund (Oms) (Finwire) 2018-11-05 06:21 (Nyheten har tidigare skickats under helgen) Idrottsverktygsbolaget Spintso tecknar avtal med handbollsförbundet i Ungern. Spintso har som sagt etablerat sitt varumärke inom flera sporter och ökar nu antalet återförsäljare från 46 till 49 som tillsammans säljer våra produkter i ett 20-tal länder till domare och förbund på alla nivåer och sporter. Today we launch Spintso REFCOM system a smart, safe and flexible communication system for referees.

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SPINTSO REFCOM® 3-set Microcom for Water Polo. Reviews. Write Your Own Review. Only registered users can write reviews. Please Sign in or create an account. We found other products you might like!

REFCOM 2-set Spintso International AB Box 2035 SE-135 02 Tyresö, Sweden Share Spintso.