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Pressmeddelanden XMReality Remote Guidance

Everyone. 22. Add to Wishlist. Install. Extend the reach of your colleagues' expertise. Let them remotely guide you by showing them exactly what to do and how to do it. Just like being there.

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Nettoomsättningen under kvartalet steg med 119 procent och orderingången med 86 procent. XMReality säger att man ökar sitt fokus på den amerikanska marknaden och stänger sitt kontor i Hamburg. att jämföra med förra årets 1,6 miljoner kronor. Appfelstrudel - iPhone & iPad App Discovery · Top 10 Apps like XMReality 6 · Bria Mobile: VoIP Softphone · ZOOM Cloud Meetings · Polycom RealPresence Mobile.

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‎The power of presence, anywhere, any time. (NOTE: You must have an account to use the app ) XMReality works for all business sizes. XMReality Remote Guidance is a remote support solution that gives your people the skills, knowledge and support they need – where and when they need them. Send a call link to anyone you want and start a shared video stream where you have a multitude of powerful tools to use for giving remote support. Download XMReality 6 installation file 1 Install Application 2 3-If you are using the Windows version together with XMReality PointPad, XMReality Smart Glasses With the launch of XMReality Generation 6 we made a giant leap forward. We went from providing a single solution to a complete system – including app, hardware and web portal with strategic tools for managing and monitoring. XMREALITY: NETTORESULTAT -6,6 MLN KR 1 KV .

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XMReality ska vara marknadsledare inom remote guidance och revolutionera ALMI Invest Östra Mellansverige AB 6,9 %, Rambas AB 5,7 %, Per Carleberg 5  Almi Invest har sålt sitt totala innehav i AR-bolaget XMReality för 22,5 -Att 6. Xmreality investerare. XMReality - Alpcot.

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Tekniska verken i Linköping beställer XMReality Remote Guidance. Av jmhogberg | onsdag Hur ska vattnet förvaltas de kommande 6 åren? Xmreality aktiekurs stod vid den senaste uppdateringen i 6,74 kr som ägde rum 2021-04-12. Det innebär att aktien har gått −10,3% den senaste månaden. Rörelseresultatet före bokslutsdispositioner blev -6 736 (-7 676) TSEK. Kassaflödet blev -4 703 (-8 414) TSEK och soliditeten var vid periodens  XMREALITY: RÖRELSERESULTATET -6,6 MLN KR. External News diff.ago.year.

XMReality lanserar nästa generation av - Stockaboo

Getting Started.

‎The power of presence, anywhere, any time. (NOTE: You must have an account to use the app ) XMReality works for all business sizes. XMReality Remote Guidance is a remote support solution that gives your people the skills, knowledge and support they need – where and when they need them. Send a call link to anyone you want and start a shared video stream where you have a multitude of powerful tools to use for giving remote support. Windows, Android and iOS You can download XMReality Generation 6 for your preferred platform by clicking the links below. The description of XMReality 6 App Extend the reach of your colleagues' expertise.