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9 Polygon reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Polygon is a global provider of property damage restoration, temporary humidity control and property On October 1st, 2010, the Munters' MCS divis. Twin City Fans & Blowers Twin City Fans & Blowers. Aerovent.
John Campanelli See more contacts. 46-8-750-3300 Polygon, which was acquired by Triton in 2010 from Swedish engineer Munters, specialises in repairing buildings damaged by water or fire, as Polygon US Corporation construction solutions. The Company offers construction drying, heating, cooling, surface preparation, coatings, and industrial process Open Menu Close Menu. Us. Open Menu Close Menu.
* 2011. Fuktsanering av kök av Polygon, dåvarande Munters. Därefter nytt IKEA-kök.
Polygon Sverige AB, f d Munters Torkteknik AB -
In 2012, Polygon made two strategically important acquisitions. Munters ties sustainability goals to remuneration program.
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2015-12-11 4 United Kingdom Phone +44 1480 432243, Phone+1 978 241 1100, USA Vietnam Phone +84 8 8256 838, Dehumidifier shall be of a type proven in satisfactory operation for a minimum of ten years. It's important to note that in order to make this tool valuable for both new and veteran users, CalTopo applies the Munter Method in 50m increments as opposed to the whole leg at once. For example, if you were ascending a slope broken up by long flat benches, typically you would treat the entire ski ascent as uphill when applying the Munter Method. Klas Forsström enters his role as new CEO of Munters Group on August 12, 2019 Klas Forsström will enter his new position as CEO on August 12, 2019. Johan Ek, the interim President and CEO of Munters since December 2018, Polygon. 3.8 ★ 8 Reviews. Compare Cooling and Drying Rental Equipment Polygon specializes in Temporary Climate Solutions, Document Recovery Services and Emergency Drying Services.
Sveriges största maskinpark för torkning. Polygon och AK-Konsult har Sveriges största maskinpark med över 10 000 torkapparater.
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Munters Polygon Resia Riksbyggen Skanska Sveriges Byggindustrier Tyréns Viking Line Wise Group Öresundskraft samt ett antal kommuner och landsting. Våra tjänster. Munters is a global leader in energy efficient air treatment and climate solutions and creates the perfect climate for customers in a wide range of industries, the largest being the food, pharmaceutical and data center sectors. Munters has around 3,900 employees that carries out manufacturing, sales and service in more than 30 countries. Fuktkonsult i 18 år på Munters / polygon Fukt och inomhusmiljöutredningar > 2000st Fuktmätningar RBK >400st .
Selected previous assignments: Chairman of Norma, Ambea, Alimak and Polygon, and a board member of Bravida, Mycronic, Ovako and Trust Payments Ltd. Holding in Munters Group AB: 400,000 shares. Independent in relation to the Company and Group management as well as the company’s major shareholders. Munters Oy on nyt Polygon Finland Oy. Munters MCS (Kuivaustekniikka) on irtaantunut Muntersista ja jatkaa itsenäisenä yhtiönä. Uuden konsernin nimi on Polygon AB. Polygon on kansainvälinen konserni, jolla on toimintaa 15 maassa.
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Sveriges största maskinpark för torkning. Polygon och AK-Konsult har Sveriges största maskinpark med över 10 000 torkapparater. Varje år kapacitetstestar vi all. Munters avfuktare kontrollerar luftfuktigheten och förhindrar kondensering, mögel och rost i arkiv, industrifastigheter, kommersiella lokaler och i olika.
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på Munters M600LKV. #serviceteknikerutangränser #maskinservice #spöke #munters #polygon. flera chefspositioner på skadesaneringsföretaget Polygon (tidigare Munters). Han har bland annat varit CFO för Polygons verksamhet i USA, Munters has two business areas: AirTech and. FoodTech.
Munters AB @MuntersAB Twitter
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Polygon is a major worldwide player in property damage control, providing solutions to prevent, control and mitigate all kinds of property damage.